6 Effective Ideas on Getting Traffic to Your Blog

BlogHow to Get Traffic to Your Blog


Blogs are popular ways to create an online presence for individual or business reasons. You can create a blog for free and start posting content immediately. But if no one is reading the content, what good is it?

There are many successful blogs on the internet, and you obviously want to be one of them. But a successful blog takes a lot of time and creative thoughts and learning a few tricks and ideas won’t hurt. Some new bloggers aren’t prepared for the work that goes into creating a successful blog. Just building the blog doesn’t make it automatic that people will come to it. Your targeting the right audience and giving them a reason to see what you have to say will draw readers. Here are 6 effective ideas on getting traffic to your blog.

1. Fresh Content  Update your blog at least twice a week. This can be accomplished by writing several posts ahead of time and uploading on your blog and scheduling them to post at different times.

2. Keywords for SEO  Be sure to use relevant keywords by doing good keyword research. Base your keywords on a research you do to find the most popular words used in search engines for your topic. This will help you with your search engine optimization. Keyword density between three and ten percent works well in getting higher page rankings in search engines. Base your keywords on a research you do to find the most popular words used in search engines for your topic.

3. Social Networking   By joining social networking sites and engaging with people on Facebook, Twitter, Squidoo, and Pinterest, you can promote the articles you post which in turn will draw traffic to your blog.

4. Use RSS Feeds   RSS stands for “Really Simple Syndication.” Readers can subscribe to your feed and receive email notification when new content is posted. It is a simple way for your subscribers to keep up with your blog posts.

5. Submit Your Blog to Search Engines  Doingblog this allows your blog to be indexed on your three popular search engines-Google, Yahoo, and Bing. Just remember that being indexed and being ranked high are two different things. For the latter, a little more work and time is required.

6. Visit other blogs  Visiting other blogs and posting a comment is an effective way build friendships and add links to your blogs. Make sure the blogs you comment on are a similar niche to your own or Google will not give you credit for the link.

By using these ideas, you may not experience instant success, but you will start traffic moving in your direction! With a little time and effort you will begin building the readership you are looking for.

5 Reasons You Need A Social Media Manager

Virtual AssistantBusiness owners around the globe are asking themselves whether or not they need a social media manager. However, more and more of them are noticing the popularity of social media, but don’t know how, where, when, or why they should jump on the bandwagon themselves. They notice their colleagues, peers, friends, children, and family have jumped on board, on a more personal level. But, what so many of them fail to see, is that their present and future customers have jumped on for a ride too!

Right now, as you read this, your customers are flying down the road going mach 5 with no end in sight. They’re enjoying themselves too while reading/writing reviews, articles, comments & opinions on your business. They’re chatting amongst themselves (and to the rest of the internet world) about their latest visit, what their experience was, and even how it bugs them that Sally the cashier always seems “nice”, but never says thank you when they are leaving.

Wouldn’t you love the opportunity to be in that cart flying down the road too? Do you want to know what your customers are saying about you? Do you want to be able to effectively converse back with them? Wouldn’t you love to hear, first hand, about their experiences? Wouldn’t it be great to know how they felt about Sally so you could enforce stronger cashier policies?

There is no excuse for you not being in that bandwagon yourself. If you want to continually grow your business every year with the goal of higher profits and better ROI’s, then you need to be in that cart. Most importantly, you need to be sitting in the cart as strategically as possible so your customers don’t mistake you for luggage!

If the last four paragraphs didn’t provide you with enough reasons as to why you need a social media manager…don’t fret! Here are five more:

1. Contrary to popular belief, just because your 14 year old niece has a Facebook account, that doesn’t mean she could (or should) create your own businesses fan page. Hire a professional. Your goal should be to have a better social presence than all your competitors. Better website, Facebook, Twitter etc. Hiring someone who has extensive knowledge on the platforms best suited for your business will benefit you enormously. Social media is so constantly evolving, that you want a professional handling yours that you know is up to speed with the latest tools, platforms, & strategies.

2. You must have a well thought out social media strategy if you want to succeed. You must have a plan. One that will provide a road map for you so you don’t get lost. You need to be consistent with your content and most importantly, you need to make sure your content is *valuable*.

3. Just because you already have social media platforms in place, that doesn’t mean you are using them correctly. If you have a Facebook business fan page or Twitter account that gets updated once “every now and then” (when you find the time) … you’re in trouble. It actually looks worse for your business to have inactive pages than not having any at all. Also, you want them all integrated together so they are working for you, and not the other way around.

4. You need someone to remind you -not- to be a broadcaster! It is extremely easy for someone to “hide” you on Facebook and “unfollow” you on Twitter. So easy, it can be done with one click of the mouse! You need someone helping you develop content strategies that are focused on providing engaging valuable content that people enjoy reading and make them feel comfortable enough to join in on the conversation. One of the most successful companies at doing social media is Zappos.com. Check out their Facebook site to see what I mean about engaging content.

5. Having a social media manager saves you, the business owner, time (our most valuable asset). Even though an effective social media campaign requires an “all hands on deck” approach to be effective, having a social media manager undoubtedly saves you time. They can provide you with a road map and content strategy that should make it easy for you to distinguish what is considered good and bad content. They also could take away the burden of having to log onto your computer and manage comments and updating content regularly on all platforms. They do all that for you leaving you more time to concentrate on your livelihood … your business!
By Krysty Petrucci facebook.com/TribalMedia

Now it’s your turn. Have you jumped on the social media bandwagon yet? What has been your experience thus far? What have you had difficulty with? What seemed surprisingly easy? If you haven’t jumped on yet- what’s stopping you?  What are you waiting for?

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